Thursday 10 November 2011

I'm in love!

With something I made myself. I know that sounds daft, but much as I like my work, and adore making it, I rarely fall for one of my own pieces in quite such a fashion. By this ring is gorgeous! It came out of a customer request that I couldn't make work in the way she wanted, so I created this instead. And she loves it too! Sadly, perhaps, this one didn't fit her, but strangely it does fit me.... It's in the cabinet, for now.

Monday 7 November 2011

Sparkles and sparklers

I love fireworks but I have to men in the family who aren't happy with loud noises, or crowds for that matter, so in general fireworks are seen from the comfort of out bedroom looking out towards the cricket ground - beyond the row of houses opposite. So not a great spectacle it must be said. But this year we went to my sister- and brother-in-law's house and had sparklers and garden fireworks, baked potatoes and a small bonfire. Lovely! And I took these photos - what I adore is the way the sparklers are caught by the camera. I have tried making designs from this sort of random explosions before, but can get it right. Not even close!